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Documentation for process anagers has not been written yet but you can read the README of the saga package below.

SAGAs / Process Managers

The saga package implements a SAGA coordinator / process manager for more complex multi-step transactions. This package integrates with the event, aggregate and command system to provide convenient access to the different components within the defined SAGA actions.

This SAGA implementation is very likely subject to a rewrite. This is due to the implementation not working distributed like the command bus or projection service. Instead, a SAGA is executed and coordinates from within a single process, which provides no recover strategy for when the process that executes the SAGA fails. A rewrite is necessary to make SAGAs work event-driven, which should provide the required persistence layer and state needed for recovering SAGAs.


  • Action-based SAGA setups
  • Compensators
  • Flexible action invoking
  • Integrates with goes' components


The main type of the SAGA implementation is the saga.Setup interface, which provides the executor with runnable actions and some configuration:

package saga

type Setup interface {
  // Sequence returns the names of the actions that should be run sequentially.
  Sequence() []string

  // Compensator finds and returns the name of the compensating action for the
  // Action with the given name. If Compensator returns an empty string, there
  // is no compensator for the given action configured.
  Compensator(string) string

  // Action returns the action with the given name. Action returns nil if no
  // Action with that name was configured.
  Action(string) action.Action


A saga.Setup implementation can be instantiated using saga.New(). Pass saga.Action() options to define the actions within the SAGA.

package example

import (

func example() {
  setup := saga.New(
    saga.Action("foo", func(ctx action.Context) error {
       return nil
    saga.Action("bar", func(ctx action.Context) error {
       return nil
    saga.Action("baz", func(ctx action.Context) error {
       return nil

Sequence / Starting Action

The saga.Sequece() option defines the order in which the actions of the SAGA are run. When an action returns a non-nil error, remaining actions are not run.

package example

import (

func example() {
  setup := saga.New(
    saga.Action("foo", func(ctx action.Context) error {
       return nil
    saga.Action("bar", func(ctx action.Context) error {
       return nil
    saga.Action("baz", func(ctx action.Context) error {
       return nil

    // Run "bar", then "baz", finally "foo".
    saga.Sequence("bar", "baz", "foo"),

Alternatively, the saga.StartWith() option can be used to specify a single action that should be run when executing this setup. Using the action's context, other actions can be called from within a running action by name.

package example

import (

func example() {
  setup := saga.New(
    saga.Action("foo", func(ctx action.Context) error {
       return nil
    saga.Action("bar", func(ctx action.Context) error {
      return ctx.Run(ctx, "baz")
    saga.Action("baz", func(ctx action.Context) error {
      return ctx.Run(ctx, "foo")

    // Same as saga.Sequece("bar")

If neither the saga.Sequence() nor the saga saga.StartWith() option is passed, the first defined action is automatically used as the starting action to the SAGA (effectively an automatic saga.StartWith() option using the first defined action).

Compensating Actions

Compensating actions are run to gracefully recover or fix application state when the execution of a setup fails. When an action of a SAGA fails, all previously run actions that returned no error will be compensating by running their configured compensator action (if any), in reverse order. Any action can be configured as the compensating action for another action.

package example

import (

func example() {
  setup := saga.New(
    saga.Action("foo", func(ctx action.Context) error {
       return nil
    saga.Action("bar", func(ctx action.Context) error {
      return nil
    saga.Action("baz", func(ctx action.Context) error {
      return errors.New("oops")

    saga.Action("fix-foo", func(ctx action.Context) error {
      return nil

    saga.Action("fix-bar", func(ctx action.Context) error {
      return nil

    saga.Sequence("foo", "bar", "baz"),
    saga.Compensate("foo", "fix-foo"),
    saga.Compensate("bar", "fix-bar"),

The example above would result the following actions be run in the given order:

  • "foo"
  • "bar"
  • "baz"
  • "fix-bar"
  • "fix-foo"

Action Context

The action.Context that is passed to action functions provides functions to fetch aggregates, publish events and dispatch commands. For this to work, the saga.Executor that executes the setup needs to have the aggregate repository, event bus and/or command bus explicitly configured (see Executor Options); otherwise these following functions return action.ErrMissingRepository errors.

package example

func example() {
  setup := saga.New(
    saga.Action("foo", func(ctx action.Context) error {
      err := ctx.Fetch(ctx, ...)
      err := ctx.Publish(ctx, event.New(...))
      err := ctx.Dispatch(ctx, command.New(...))


A SAGA setup can be executed using a saga.Executor.

package example

func example(setup saga.Setup) {
  exec := saga.NewExecutor()
  err := exec.Execute(context.TODO(), setup)

Executor Options

When creating an executor, use the

  • saga.Repository() ,
  • saga.EventBus() and
  • saga.CommandBus()

options to provide the executor with repositories which will be available from within the SAGAs action.Contexts.